Hill Street, Belfast
The Yard Bird provides a new space in Belfast for enthusiasts of traditional music to eat and drink and enjoy music. The project involved the restoration and conversion of a disused warehouse in the Cathedral Conservation Area.
In its former state, this largely unaltered building gives us a unique glimpse back to the merchant heart of the City. It is mentioned in ledgers and shown on maps dating from the early 1800’s, though it is possibly of earlier construction, making it one of Belfast’s oldest surviving intact buildings. The construction typology of the warehouse is almost unique in Belfast and its distinctive character is central to our proposals.
The existing building fabric has been restored, including the repair of all existing timbers and connections. Essential requirements are to be incorporated with minimum impact on the existing fabric. An early 20th Century addition of similar construction has been opened up internally to full height, acting as a winter garden / ante-room to its brick clad older neighbour.